Sunday, April 12, 2009

California Prop 1E

This experiment has 5 short steps and will take about 90 seconds.

You need a webcam or video camera to record your responses.

You will be reading two short passages and recording your responses.

(Please don't skip ahead or the experiment won't work)

This is one of the 6 propositions that have been approved by the California Secretary of State to appear on the May 19, 2009, Statewide Special Election Ballot.

STEP 1: Turn on your Web Cam and start recording.

STEP 2: This is the language on the upcoming ballot. Read this out loud.

Mental Health Funding. Temporary Reallocation. Helps Balance State Budget.
  • Amends Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63 of 2004) to transfer funds, for a two-year period, from mental health programs under that act to pay for mental health services for children and young adults provided through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program. 
  • Provides more than $225 million in flexible funding for mental health programs.
  • Helps balance state budget during this difficult economic time.

STEP 3: Now briefly answer the following questions out loud:
  • If you saw this on the ballot would you vote YES or NO?
  • Why?

You're almost done! Keep the camera going, two more steps to go....
Now Click Here.